What Is Storehouse?
Storehouse Foodbank is a project that aims to support families, couples, and individuals in short-term need of food and toiletries. Based in Trowbridge, this service began in 2006 in response to a growing need within our community. Since then, we have developed good working relationships with a range of local agencies and services to support the wider community.
In April 2010, the food bank opened a referral centre. Over the years we have seen continual and significant growth in need.
People who access our service find themselves in difficult circumstances often through no fault of their own. For example, they may have been made redundant or have lost work through a severe illness. Some service users are attempting to rebuild their life after the breakdown of a marriage or partnership, or they could be recovering from a situation of domestic violence.
How Is Storehouse Accessed?
Access to Storehouse is freely available to people referred by a supporting professional such as a teacher, social worker, doctor, key worker, minister, community adviser, Wiltshire Council, Citizens Advice Centre, or another agreed referral agency. Provisions can be collected from our centre where individuals, couples or families will be provided with three days' supply of food and toiletries.
Opening hours for Storehouse Food bank are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10 am - 12.30pm.
The food bank only distributes non-perishable items in good condition and in date. The cost of a food parcel can vary depending on several factors, for example the price of food at any given time and the size of the bag being distributed.
The contents of the food parcel may vary but can include the following:
That's a great question and based on a shop at a local supermarket, the cost of a food parcel for a family is currently £96.00. It costs £70 to feed a couple and £61 to support a single person. We recognise that the cost of food has increased by approximately 40% since we began. We therefore very much appreciate all contributions made.
Donating Goods
Food and toiletry items can be delivered directly to the food bank between the hours of 9.30 - 12.30 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, or donated through the collection points located within our local supermarkets. We would also ask that you kindly check that any donations you make are in date. This will save any unnecessary wastage.
Sainsbury | Tesco | Asda
Setting Up A Donation Point
You may be a business, community service, or individual that would like to set up a temporary or long term donation point in your work place or local community. We think this is a great idea and would love to hear from you if this is the case.
Group donations: If you are a group that would like to do a collection on our behalf - we would be delighted and would love to hear from you - please drop us a line and we will be in contact to explore this further. We work with local schools, guides, scouts and youth projects who regularly collect and raise funds for this service.
Financial Giving
Financial donations enable us to purchase not only specific items required, but also take advantage of bulk buying. If you wish to donate you can do so by the following means:
Online Giving
If you would prefer to send a cheque, you can do so to the following address.
Storehouse | Emmanuel Buildings | Trowbridge | BA14 8RZ
All Cheques made payable to West Wilts Vineyard
Bank Transfer
Account Name:West Wilts Vineyard
Account No: 00015649
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Contact Us
Storehouse Foodbank is co-ordinated by Jill Neighbour.
If you would require any further information regarding this service please feel free to contact us.
Find Us
Storehouse | Emmanuel’s Yard, Emmanuel’s Church Buildings (access via Union street) | Trowbridge | Wiltshire | BA14 8RZ
Tel: 07702 583143